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Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Cabaret Class

Leona has been going to cabaret class since January 3rd. She is happy to be in this class. They always meet every Tuesday at 8:00pm but since the teacher cancel the class once they are starting the class 15 minutes early. The release time is 8:30pm. In the class they learn how to project their voice that if there audiencee the audience will hear their conversation with no problem.

On March for they will do a show. This will be the time we will able to see them do a little of acting and whatever they want to do like Leona decided to sing. She will be singing one of Selena Gomez's song the "who Said".

We can't wait to see her perform.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Need a new TV

Couple weeks ago my husband and I were talking to upgrade our TV. We have 3 TV in the house 2 are flat screen which both are about 40 inches and 1 a 31 inches but the old style the analog. We were thinking to buy a 50" for the living room and get rid of the analog.

As how our life always goes 1 of our TV which is jn the living room for a sudden not turning on. I just thought maybe it was because the remote battery needed to be replace. Tried turning it on using the power button from TV itself but not doing anything at all. And today here we go again another TV the one jn our bed room died as well. What is this both flat screen TV broke at the same time. Analog which supposed to be the oldest Tv we have in the. House still working with no any problem.

Having only 1 tv working in the house making everyone insane. Everyone trying to put their favorite tv show. And guess who win of course the girls.

Right now we can't wait to receive our tax refund so that we can buy new TV's.

My Son

This guest post from Hong Alexander

My kids are always running in and out of the house. With young children it seems the doors are opening and closing. My son loves to go outside and play in the woods. I have never timed it, but it seems every five minutes he comes in to 'check-in' with mom! He will fly through the back door and run to the kitchen or whatever room I am in just to tell me his adventure story. I love that he goes out and explores, but it is clear that he still needs to check-in for some security. It is easy to get aggravated when I find the front door open for the tenth time in one day, but I know he won't always be my ten year old running in to show me what he found and I want to cherish these moments. It helped when we got Total Alarm Systems installed and I could hear when a dohome security michigan or was opened in our home. This helps me to share in my son's adventures without griping to him to shut the door!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Maylong 250 tablet

Last Christmas Roger and I gave the girls a tablet. We thought they deserve to have an android so as a nice gestures we did get 1 each for the girls. They both thrilled. The one that Leona has are working great except for Angel to which we have problem in connecting to wifi. It was working fine for a while and for a sudden it keep turning off the wifi connection and not able to find any available Internet connection. I tried anything to make it work. I have the last option; I reset it back to factory settings. Right not it is still restoring data back to factory reset. I just hope I did not screw it. This is what I get for buying a cheap one. I get what my money worth I guess.

Finally tablet is now reset back to factory settings. So far so good. Internet is set up. Wish me luck tomorrow. Hope it inter will continuously working.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Don't ask Don't Tell

My husband was used to be in the military service.  He told me how it is being in the service.  I understand it is not very easy.  One thing that surprise me was when I found out that guys go to shower together NAKED.  My reaction was naked?  Ohh I can't do that.  He even told me that even in school.  After gym especially once you're in higher grade maybe around high school after gym class everyone go to shower together naked.  yes naked.  I grow up in Philippines a country where most women are so conservative especially those from the provinces.  I never have any experience being naked in-front of other people other than my husband.  But wait except when I went  for my medical prior to coming over here in US.  That is why i don't know if I do agree on don't ask don't tell.  Because if i will go naked with other people I want to make it sure no one is looking at me in a malicious way. I have no against gay people but being around with them it made you so very uncomfortable.

Speaking of gay people.  As a woman I prefer to hang out with gays than to lesbian.  To me gays are more like a girl like me but a lesbian is a guy.  In Philippines I grow up hanging out with gay guys.  my dad was not happy with it.  As according to him gay are still guys they have dick.  But to me I treated more like my girl friends.  I gave them girl names.

By the way in Philippines you see gay guys anywhere.  If you go to salon mostly who works there are gays.  To me they do better job than a woman.  They gave you a hair style that looks good to you.  We look at them as norman human being we don't judge them because they are homosexual.

Wither you are homosexual or not still i don't want to be with other people in one shower especially going naked.  No way over my dead body.  how about you does it bothers you?

I Am In An Interracial Relationship

Interracial is used in reference to the mixing of people of different racial groups. If we say interracial relationship it is a relationship between two people of different races.

Interracial is a great opportunity to learn about another culture and have new experiences. Encourage your partner to share his/her culture with you and vice versa. Remaining open to new experiences will improve your chances of success.

It is very important to remain respectful at all times. Many people are sensitive about their cultures because it is an important part of who they are. Don't force your partner to try something or be critical when he or she wants you to try something new. This is one good thing between roger and I we are both respect each others culture and we introduce this to our girls.

Also remember that all cultures are different. You may not always understand something your partner says or does. Instead of responding with judgment, appreciate this uniqueness. Remember, one of the benefits of interracial relationships is this exposure to new perspectives. Once in a while i have a problem of communicating with my family because of my accent. Now that the girls are in school they start correcting my accent. I tried to correct it but its very hard.

There is this situation at work that until now still an issue for other people. I don't know why but people at work make it a big deal. When they found out that this person when she just started working with us she saw some pictures of Roger and I at his computer she made a comment like it is nice that Roger is in an interracial relationship. She added more to that comment that made other people offensive. especially to other people whom they have relationship with different race. Actually to me so what she made that comment. I do appreciate for people who have sympathy for us. At least I know they did not think any negative about me or Roger about our relationship.

I am proud to say "I Am In An Interracial Relationship". Roger and I are happy to be with each other. We are blessed with two beautiful girls. That's what its matter. We don't care what other people think.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Web Design

I have been doing blog since 2008 but honestly i don't know how to design my own site. I just got fortunate i did able to grab a free design.  I know couple people who did design their our blog.  my friend rose she own probably 5 blogs and she did all the design and made some for sale.  I was start getting it before but i stop for some reason. 

Roger my husband was start building his own site from the scratch.  I guess she was searching for some ideas on how to design your own website and what you have to do after.  It sounds easy but once you start doing it he got lost and got so frustrated.  having the kids around while he is trying to do something is not a help.  So he decided to take a rest.  Dunno when he will go back to it.  I told him some ideas, he only told me that there should be a better way.  So i just leave him alone to avoid arguments. 

If  you are a person like me who don't know how to design your own site and need to back up what you have there is website that can do this for you.  to find out about it read some information about the site @ online backup review.  See and decide yourself if this can help you.

Republican Primary Election

My husband is a big time republican.  Lately he is so hooked up to TV.  Watching the debates in which seems like almost every night there is a debate.  For republican he is routing for Mitt Romney. It really doesn't matter to him who will be republican nominee for president.  He just want a running president who will run against Obama can defeat him.  He is not very happy on whats going on with US government. He is starting to educate my girls about politics.  He watch fox news 1st thing in the morning and before going to bed.  

Keeping intouch through Twitter

There are so many ways now to keep in touch with your love ones.  With today's generation we have social networking are big hits like facebook and twitter. Almost everyone has account any of this two popular social network at least the facebook.  Twitter account is a hit especially to people who have cell phone.  They can register their cellphone number and anyone friends they have in twitter that did post a twit they will received an automatic update.  You can post anything you want.

If you are one those people who like to keeping updates of their status and write like a novel. There is a mobile twitter alternative called writelonger.  In writelonger you will be able to write 140 characters at a time.  If you are a person who would love to keep connected and let other people in your friends lists to keep connected on what you are doing why not try using twitter and try using the writelonger.

As to my self i do have twitter account.  I am not 100% active to this social network.  but i do love to keeping an eye on my favorite celebrities on what they twit.  Especially my favorite Filipino celebrities.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Busy day for kids

Today was a full Saturday a busy day for the girls. Aside from snowing for most of the day. Angel had her 1st confession at 10AM to 12PM. Ryan their 1st cousins 12th birthday party. That held at Norrh Bowl; bowling alley right next door. They were ther from 12:30pm got home not until almost 4pm. They had stayed home for a while. They actually went outside play in the snow for a while untilthay can't handle the cold anymore. At 6:30pm they went to a father and daughter dance. By the time the dAnce was over they both so tired. We'll see how they do in the morning. We need to. Get up for church and for Angel to go to her CCD class.

Busy day but uet they were having fun. I know for sure I will be hearing a lot from Roger how tired he is. He is such a winy. :-)

Angel's 1st Confession

January 21st,2012 Angel had her 1st confession. One of the preparation for her to get herself ready for taking the holy Eucharist " 1st communion". She did very well. She made a list that only her and Fr. Bill the priest and god knew about her sin. As her request she had her 1st confession with Fr Bill.

To my Angel congratulations on your 1st confession.

Father and Daughters Dance

Roger and the girls went for a father and daughters dance.  The girls are so excited.  Every year they always looking forward for this school events.  This is the night where just Roger and the girls will be having fun. 

It will be all the girls floor tonight.  The dance floor is theirs.  They will be a slow dance and that will the time they will dance with their daddy.  For some fathers who have more than one girls is quite interesting to see.  Some girls wants just to dance with their dad alone.  For my kids hope they will take turn who will have the slow dance with their dad.  I am sure they will have fun.

For Leona this will be here 2nd to the last school year to have a father and daughter dance.  We'll see what they have at middle school.  Angel she is looking forward to go to father and daughter dance alone.  As she said it is nice to be the youngest.  :-)

Summer Family plan

Having snow in the ground mad me realize how much I love summer.  So many things you can do fun thing with the family and even do something around the house.  Every summer you always want something different.  For this summer 2012 I am thinking to have at least couple benches outside the house like Portable Bleachers

My one thing we love to the for past time at summer time is to hang out at the par.  Let the girls play for a while at the playground while mommy's or daddy's sitting around watch them while they're having fun. That is why how import it is to have some picnic tables even just a simple one like Aluminum Bleachers.  This could help some people like us who loves to have picnic at the park.

The only negative if you like to do picnic at the park is there are people loves to bring their dog.  They do bring their dog for a walk and if the do poop they just leave their pets waste right there.  It would also be nice for park to have an area for pets to play with, dog exercise equipment, or even a simple pet stations.   I know It costs money but it will benefit a lot of people. 

This is why i hate winter.  At winter you have to dress up in bundle to keep yourself warm.  And not to forget we will have a bunch of clothes to wash afterwards.  right now i am looking forward for summer to come.  My husband and i already have couple ideas on what we are going to do at summer. 

Friday, January 20, 2012

Wrist corsage

Tomorrow night the girls are going to a father and daughter dance. Leona and Angel are so excited. Dress all set up. They already picked what shoes they will wear. Both my girls requested for a corsage. 1st thing pop in my mind What? Corsage? You know how much this will cost? Now you guys really are asking me to spend money. I don't want have money for that. As Leona responded "typical mom". I was so shock dunno how to react when she said that. According to Roger if I can only see my face on how I did react when Leona said that. As Roger said the reason she said that because I always told them I don't have MONEY.

But anyway. I will try to make a corsage by myself. I only need to buy fresh flowers. We'll see from then. Wish me luck.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Finally it's snowing

Weather forecast saying it will be snowing but it will accumulate less than an inch only by the time we get up Friday morning. Just check outside and guess what it is already snowing outside. Snowing steady. We'll see if it is really an inch by morning. Anyway not gonna complain we are fortunate for this winter this the 1st heavy snow we have so far compare to what we had last year that around this time we have so much snow that we didn't know where to put them.

It might be snowing tonight and more on Saturday but hey month of January is almost over. Thank God. Weather will be start warming up.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

It's bed time

 It's 11:00 O'clock at night yes it is time for me to go to bed.  My husband still watching fox news.  He is hooked up to TV because of the republican primary elections.  he is voting for Mitt Romney.  

Anyway good night before I forget i have to get up early tomorrow.  I have to work and need to wake up the girls get ready for school.  At least 2 more days and it will be weekend.  Yeah baby!!!!

Good Night.... God Bless

What is velocity

I just asked my husband what is velocity? I kinda know but still want more explanation about velocity. Velocity is rapidity or speed of motion. The best to describe this is to compare Apple vs Fridge vs Phone.

Which one you think has more velocity? Watch the video Apple vs Fridge vs Phone in you tube to find out yourself. 

Technology makes everyones life better.  Living a little bit bit less stress.  The faster your service network is the better. 

Web Directory

Web directory review

If you are one of the people like me who like to write, own a blog, a site and want to earn money from it. Thinking and hoping to make money from this site for a living? Then there are things you need to do in order for your site to have an active link. I have been blogging since 2008. I am just doing this as a journal of my life. I may make money but only once in a while. But if you're main reason having a website is making money then one thing you have to do is list your site in a web directory.

Web directory a directory that will help your website can be search easily. Like Jasmine Directory. Jasmine directory is a web directory that can help you gain more visitors to your site. All you need to do is list your site to their directory and they will help you broadcast your site/product. People can find your site way better through web directory through categories that fits on your needs.

At Jasmine directory you'll get the best 100% SEO friendly, you can add up to 5 URL links that will lead to you website. This web directory will collect 2 thumbshots from your site.

You can add any website in Jamine directory. As long as this is a legal website. And as long as you are willing to pay whatever fee you agree to pay. Or else your website will be off from their directory lists.

I even thinking now to list my blog to this web directory. I know my husband is looking for a place where able to help the website he start putting together last year. As new to try making money online Iamine directory fits on what's he need. As he is hoping to me make extra money. I better tell and explain this to him. If you or anyone you know wants their website to have more visitors advise them to list their website to a web directory and recommend to them Jasmine Directory.

Good luck!!!

Web directory review

Doctors Visit

It was 3 years ago the last time I went to see my gynecology. I should see her once a year. After I gave birth to Leona we change insurance company and my doctor don't the new insurance we had. I had no choice but had to find another OBGYNE especially that I was pregnant with my 2nd child and honestly I was not really happy for their service. One reason after I gave birth with Angel I was avoiding them. Until my company change to a new insurance company (united healthcare). I was so excited to find out that I can now go back to my originally OBGYNE ( Dr. Llewelyn). I set up an appointment to see her. I did not waist time.

Today I went to see Dr. Llewellyn. Everything went well. Now just sit and relax while waiting for the the result of papsmear. I know nothing to worry anyway. I always have a normal result.

For all women out there it is necessary to visit your OBGYNE once a year. I know a lot of women out there hate to go to their gynecology. You might think your healthy but never know. Especially if you reach the age of 40. Don't let your fear stop you to seeing your doctor.

Being Different

Growing up in a country like Philippines where we look everybody equal wither your straight or your not. What I mean is even you are lesbian or gay we everyone still treat you well.   It might be hard for the family at first but they will accept you anyway at the end.

In Philippines we have gay pageant.  I remember when I was a kid.  One of my Aunts boyfriends son is gay.  He joined to this gay pageant during our town festival.  We were not aware of it until after he told us.  We even did not recognized him.  They dress up well almost like a girl some of them looks even better than a real woman. During the pageant they usually pretend as their favorite celebrity a foreigner or local.

To me I think their is nothing wrong to be gay as long as you're not hurting others. Or you don't forced the public to show you really the real you.  just still act as a normal person.  For those gays i beet the only way they can open up them self is when they are with people with their own color or they can share what they feel in a blog they can have their own gay blog. I know time comes people special here in US they will be ready for people like them.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Happy Birthday Sister Jess

 Almost 5 years ago I meet this wonderful person name Jessiette in friendster. Friendster is like facebook. We were keeping in touch until we decided to meet in person. It was 2007 4th of July when sister Liz and I finally meet sister Jess in person. Honestly my husband Roger did not know what to expect but according to him whatever makes me happy he will do anything. Unexpectedly everyone get along very well. Like we already know each other for a long time. The 1st meeting was a success and we did get together again and again. We did sleepover with each others house. Since then we treat each other as family. But sad at the end they moved to due Bernie's job. We do understand. We still keeping in-touch. Thanks to the technology. They stayed in Seattle, Washington for 2 year end moved after to Japan. I know they were so excited moving to Japan. Until an earthquake came and causing to had Tsunami and to activate the nuclear. That government official decided to evacuate a lot of families. Jess family was one to be evacuated but because Bernie is an official he stayed behind. Jess and the kids flew here in US. I do believed things happened for a reason. Because of the nuclear problem Jess and I meet again. They stayed with us for a week. It was great to have them. Everyday of that week was full of fun. Of course they have to go. Upon hearing that it is safe for the family to go back to Japan. Those happy times were over. I was just glad to spend those time with her and her kids.

Jess is a very good person. She is a honest person. If you did something bad? She will tell you right straight from the heart. Direct to point. She is so generous. She is the kind of person who did not expect anything in return. She is a very good adviser, a very good friend. Not to forget a very good wife to Bernie and to her kids. To her family first before anything/


To sister Jess Happy happy birthday. We love you.

Monday, January 16, 2012

What I will do with my money

It was in the morning radio announcer discussion that if you win a lottery that you will no longer to worry about it for the rest if your life what you will do with this money?

Oh as my husband and I answers to this question;

• we will pay off our debts especially Rogers student loan.
• we all be getting new passport and go for A vacation.
• of courae the most important is we will be buying a a land where we can build the house of our dream.
• Buy all brand new furnitures.
• and buy ourselves new car.

In buying a property maybe we can go find a property or a land in Hunt Club Cranbourne.

Hunt club is the best place to start looking for a property that your family need. They have a website that give you information you need. Information not only about the property itself but you will get information about the area, school, shopping place and even information about it's history. I know how important it is to know the area before making the decision to buy the property.

If I will ask you? If you have money what you will do with this money?

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Remembering 2011

We just said goodbye to 2011. For my family this year gave us pros and cons to remember.

• At the 1st quarter for this year I thought I will lost my job. A blessing happened when one of the. RBO's director quit on his job. The company decided to close that RBO instead and send their job to us in Brockton RBO. I felt bad for the employees in that RBO but if that one did not happen? I am jobless right now as well as my husband. He just found out couple days before that their job will be going to another RBO. At the beginning we both working in the same department. Doing 3rd party collections. Right then I love my new job. But then they move me to adjudicate. It is different from what I used to do. I am reversing claims and move charges to a different insurance according to the updated pay source we have. Once in a while I am on the phone calling insurance company. Honestly this job is way better that what I was doing before.

• My mom went home to Philippines for 3 months. She was suupposed to stay until September the thought that I will be jobless by April. Thanks to my family they let her duly back to us.

• Finally after 5 years of paying my sister's college she graduated last March. One reason why mom had to go home.

• we found out this year that Dave have brain cancer. Until now she is doing his treatment. But before year 2011 ended we found out the Denise have brain cancer as well. 2011 is the year i hear more people who have cancers.

• An earthquake and Tsunami happened in Japan. My friend sister jess and her family evacuated the area. They stayed with us for a week.

• at Christmas time my dad committed suicide. Good thing an angel watching him.

I consider 2011 was a good year for us. Roger and I still working. We had new furnitures. We bought our 1st couch, dining table set and a hutch. Thank you God for all the blessing we received for this year. Hope and wish for this blessing to continue.

2012 is year of the dragon. I am a dragon.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Christmas 2011

It was a different Christmas for me and my family. We know we should enjoy the day as we celebrate the birth or Jesus Christ. But there are things that some people don't think that what they do will affect everyone.

On Christmas eve we had some company. Good thing we have people who came over. My mothers Christmas was not totally ruin. My father was upset that my mom gave money to her brothers. According to my dad why giving them money instead helping him on his problem. What problem? 15K I guess not enough for him anymore. The thing made me disappoint at my dad was instead wishing his wife my mom a merry Christmas he just consulted her how not happy he was. This made my mom cried the whole time. Thank God at least in short time we made her smile.

Everyone left after 1AM so Roger and I waiting for the girls to full asleep inorder for is to put the Christmas gift under the tree.

About 3AM I received a message from Philippines that they can't hold of my mom; that my dad was at the hospital. He committed suicide. I did not know what o should feel then. I was scared but I was more mad disappointed on him. WHY ... Why he did this? Is he that miserable that he commit suicide? Did he ever think that it is Christmas? He even dd not think that what he did affects us. I am disappointed kn him because here is this person who is healthy and did not appreciate the
life that God gave him. Instead he wanted to end his life by doing such this. While we know people around us who have cancer and they are fighting to be alive. I love my dad but I think he needs to grow up. Hope he will appreciate this 2nd chance that God gave him. We never ever neglected him. My mom gave almost all money she have to him but all of this not enough.

Anyway it wAs Christmas but it did not feel like it is because what my dad did. At least my girls were very happy what sant brought them. As well as my mom until she found out what happened.

We we to Denise's to spend time with the family for a short time.

Every year our Christmas 2011 experience will not be forgotten. It will always one of the topic from now on. To my dad wish he will realize what he did was not right. The life we have is not ours to destroy. We have to keep it; it is a treasure that God gave to each one of us.

