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Thursday, October 27, 2011

Health Issue

Inorder to live longer we have to take care of ourselves. Must have good balance diet by eating healthy foods and take exercise. But a lot of us don't do this.

My husband is taking meds for his heart problem. He will be taking this for the rest of his life. And because he also have cholesterol problem he is taking Meds for this as well. But for some reason he stop taking the cholesterol meds for at least 6 months now. He just went back on taking it. Now his body is adjusting to it.

We end up going to the emergency hospital. While we were at work he was having pain somewhere his groin and and left bottom back; somewhere the kidney area. Called the primary doctor to consult what he feel but advice us to go the hospital.

Just recently we talked about keeping ourselves healthy. Hope nothing major to worry about. So help us God.

