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Monday, November 10, 2008

My Mother is her in US

Just to update everyone her my mother is her in US with me. So far so good. My kids spoiled her and she can't say the girls don't love her. I showed her to couple places I love to go. She met people that are meant to me and to my family like Liz and her husband Steve. My husbands cousins, Aunts and Uncle even people in our church and our priest. Everybody said I do looks like her, am I? She is pretty and I am not, my sister yeah she looks like my mom. Anyway Roger an I are glad that finally she is here. Now our focus is to give her everything she been wanting to have in life, a stressful living. I make it sure that she will be looking great by the time she go back home.

By earyl next year we are going to process for my fathers paper work as well. So help us God by this one more time. Oh money, money, money.

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