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Tuesday, January 24, 2012

I Am In An Interracial Relationship

Interracial is used in reference to the mixing of people of different racial groups. If we say interracial relationship it is a relationship between two people of different races.

Interracial is a great opportunity to learn about another culture and have new experiences. Encourage your partner to share his/her culture with you and vice versa. Remaining open to new experiences will improve your chances of success.

It is very important to remain respectful at all times. Many people are sensitive about their cultures because it is an important part of who they are. Don't force your partner to try something or be critical when he or she wants you to try something new. This is one good thing between roger and I we are both respect each others culture and we introduce this to our girls.

Also remember that all cultures are different. You may not always understand something your partner says or does. Instead of responding with judgment, appreciate this uniqueness. Remember, one of the benefits of interracial relationships is this exposure to new perspectives. Once in a while i have a problem of communicating with my family because of my accent. Now that the girls are in school they start correcting my accent. I tried to correct it but its very hard.

There is this situation at work that until now still an issue for other people. I don't know why but people at work make it a big deal. When they found out that this person when she just started working with us she saw some pictures of Roger and I at his computer she made a comment like it is nice that Roger is in an interracial relationship. She added more to that comment that made other people offensive. especially to other people whom they have relationship with different race. Actually to me so what she made that comment. I do appreciate for people who have sympathy for us. At least I know they did not think any negative about me or Roger about our relationship.

I am proud to say "I Am In An Interracial Relationship". Roger and I are happy to be with each other. We are blessed with two beautiful girls. That's what its matter. We don't care what other people think.

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