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Monday, December 19, 2011

Nursing Board Exam

My sister graduated from nursing last March.  Finally she took her nursing board exam last December 18th and 19th.  we are thinking positive that she will pass.  We will get the result in two months.  It amazed me that even with the flash flood the board exam still go on. They did not cancel the exam. 

To my sister good luck. 

Last Minute Christmas Shopping

I can Roger and I are all set with Christmas shopping we already have almost everything we want to get for the kids and for everyone.  I know there are still people out there that they even did not start their shopping yet.  What are they waiting for?  They only have 5 days to go?  Stores might have good sales but mostly items are already pick out.  Not counting stores and malls are so crowded right now.  Some stores are even using crowd control ropes.  This reminds me when my friends and I went to Wrentham outlet mall we get in coach stores but they have to use barricades to keep people in line.

No matter what keeping you behind in your Christmas shopping, keep in mind presents is not the most import it is not what we are celebrating for.  It is the birth of Jesus Christ.  

Typhoon Sendong

Cagayan de Oro is called the "City of Golden Friendship" which is located along the northern coastline on the Mindanao island, southern part of the Philippines.  Got hit by typhoon Sendong.  people where not prepared.  Water rose from 1 foot to 3 feet in an hour. This happened at the middle of the night.  People were still sleeping.   A lot of people died Philippine Red Cross reports 521 dead so far, 370 missing. Almost 35,000 people remained huddled in evacuation centers after the storm.  I can't remember it happened this before.  there might be a flood but nothing like this. 

I don't know how long this city will recover but I am hoping everyone will put their heart back to Jesus Christ.  With what's going on around the world this might be a wake up call for all of us. 

