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Sunday, November 28, 2010

Christmas Tree is up

Day after thanksgiving kids keep begging me to put our Christmas tree up.  Finally we did.  it was the first time the family is havng a real Christmas tree.  The tree we have since the kids were still little.  The tree looks smaller compare to them now.  We all decide to buy a new one but instead we decide to buy a real tree.  It was a fun  and adventurous day for everyone. 
Now are tree officially up.  The kids did a great job putting all the ornaments.  It was a busy day for me as well moving all the furnitures and putting all the rest of our christmas decoration minus the lights on the window. 

Everyone in the family are now in the spirit of Christmas.  Have a Merry Christmas everyone. 

Looking for a new Car

I been in the US for over 10 years.  Believe it or not I still don't have a drivers liscence.  I don't have the motivation to get one until when my husband end up in the hospital for few days.  I felt so useless.  I have to asked relatives to drive me to visit him.  That was a wake up call for me to start working on getting my drivers liscence. 

Right now I will be going on my last drivers lesson and will schedule for a road test. Having a drivers liscence is a christmas gift for me for my self.  This will make a huge change in our lives. 

By next year 2011 my husband and I will be looking to buy me a new car.  I was thinking to get Chevy Hhr, Kia Forte, Grand-Marquis or wiki cars.  Anyone of this will do.

Right now it is not only that I need to get me a car but we also despirate to have a new one.  The van we have we bought this 5 years ago.  It is start giving us some issues.  Not counting that every time we get the sticker it always failed for break reason. 

I am hoping by March i will be driving around with my own new car.  Wish me luck everyone!!!

