Are you in need of money in order to pay your bills? You have a good credit? If your answer is yes then, your problem is solved. You have nothing to worry all you have to do is apply for a personal loan online at America One. If you want you can even borrow money for vacation, to pay or consolidate your debts, renovation of your home, pay your tuition. America One is an unsecured loan. They have no collateral, no application fees and they have low interest rate. Personal loan online has easy application process. They have good feedbacks from their clients. If you need help they have intelligent individual who always willing to help you. So don’t hesitate to contact them. Applying an Online personal loan is a smart way to borrow money no need for you to go out from your house. All what you need is your computer and Internet access and your phone if you need to contact them.
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Surprise! Surprise!
Before year 2007 ended our company merged with the other company. Many changes that occurred. People got promoted some got fired for the reason that they no longer needed on their position, some people quit because they have a better job offer from the other company, and some quit because they are not happy with the company or they did not get paid much as they suppose to get.
Somewhere last week on my department, we received an email from our manager announcing the promotion on one of our colleague. From being a Billing Associate II to supervisor. She been here in the company for over 10 years I guess she deserve the promotion. And just this morning before 10:30am, they told a big announcement that everybody was surprised. Our Manager has a great job offer outside our company. This means she is living us. On the good side we are happy for her, but sad because she is living us. The only thing I can say I am so thankful on her for the job she gave me. She is the one open up my career.
Posted by rojoy at 7:35 PM 0 comments
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