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Monday, January 14, 2008

House Chores

Who said my kids are really spoiled. Maybe in some ways, they are but with our love. While they're still young we already training them to be responsible. They have to clean up after they are done playing put away all their toys where it belong. Each of their toys have its own container. They have to fixed their own bed first thing in the morning which sometimes they forgot especially we have to wake them up every 6 in the morning. They vacuum the house at least once a week. At winter time they have to hang their jacket on theit own hanger and put the socks and mittens in a bag where I ask them, and shoes on the shoe rack. Now thanks to my good friend Jess who gave me a very good idea to let them do the dishes. Whom my girls are so excited in doing these chores. I started them to do this this past weekend. I only let them wash the plastic dishes and utensils with no knifes. And keep the rest for me to wash.

All of these sound like too much but you know what when are we going our kids to start doing all of this. I dont want them to be like their american cousins who even don't want to clean their own missed for they have to ask or parents rather pay somebody to do all of these for them.

I want my kids to grow up not lazy. Especially that they are both girls. Whom the girls are the one who make it sure the house is clea and organize.

