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Monday, December 6, 2010

Want to Sell you house?

If you are one of those people who are going to lose your house.  Before it is too late try putting them in the market you might be lucky. 

I you want check this site this might give you an idea what to do in selling your house. 

Cash or Card

I heard that sales for stores are higher this year compare to last year.  It doesn’t mean that economy is getting better.  People are getting smart when it comes to spending their money.  A lot of people are paying cash w/ their Christmas shopping. Credit Card Company is being so ridiculous; they charge you too much interest. Using cash is better because you have to budget your money wisely.  Buy things that are more important.  Once money all gone then you are done.  Using card might be convenient but only at first.  After the holiday you will be paying all this massive credit card bills for months and months.  People should know and hope to realize that Christmas is not all about present it is all about Jesus Christ’s birthday.  As Christian this is the time we have to spend more quality time with our love ones.  Life is so valuable; enjoy every chance you have to spend with your family. 

