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Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Don't ask Don't Tell

My husband was used to be in the military service.  He told me how it is being in the service.  I understand it is not very easy.  One thing that surprise me was when I found out that guys go to shower together NAKED.  My reaction was naked?  Ohh I can't do that.  He even told me that even in school.  After gym especially once you're in higher grade maybe around high school after gym class everyone go to shower together naked.  yes naked.  I grow up in Philippines a country where most women are so conservative especially those from the provinces.  I never have any experience being naked in-front of other people other than my husband.  But wait except when I went  for my medical prior to coming over here in US.  That is why i don't know if I do agree on don't ask don't tell.  Because if i will go naked with other people I want to make it sure no one is looking at me in a malicious way. I have no against gay people but being around with them it made you so very uncomfortable.

Speaking of gay people.  As a woman I prefer to hang out with gays than to lesbian.  To me gays are more like a girl like me but a lesbian is a guy.  In Philippines I grow up hanging out with gay guys.  my dad was not happy with it.  As according to him gay are still guys they have dick.  But to me I treated more like my girl friends.  I gave them girl names.

By the way in Philippines you see gay guys anywhere.  If you go to salon mostly who works there are gays.  To me they do better job than a woman.  They gave you a hair style that looks good to you.  We look at them as norman human being we don't judge them because they are homosexual.

Wither you are homosexual or not still i don't want to be with other people in one shower especially going naked.  No way over my dead body.  how about you does it bothers you?

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