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Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Life is Too Short

We owe our life from God.  He can take this away from us anytime he wants. While we’re still alive, live life to the fullest.  Life is too short. 
Sometimes last year June 2011 Dave Denise’s’ husband had been diagnosed with brain cancer.  Everyone was surprised especially that we all thought he is healthy at least trying to be healthy.  His loss some weight because at least year before that he had by pass surgery because his artery was clogged.  Since he was diagnosed with brain cancer he starts deteriorating.  He lost some weight.  He is not taking his treatment well.  He was doing okay on the radiation part but once he start taking the chemo that’s it for him.  No improvement.  His body is not improving instead he was getting weaker and weaker. December we found out that Dave doctor told the family that he only has at least 3 to 6 months to live.  Now its February he is not eating anymore.  He wanted to go home.  As this maybe his last will the family agreed to send him home.  So looks like anytime now our phone will ring with a bad message.  It’s hard to let him go but for everyone’s sake the sooner the better.
This just tells me that life is too short.  We don’t know how long we live.  Don’t take everyone for granted.

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