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Sunday, March 30, 2008

Crazy Celebrities

The more I watch TV the more I am amazed at the number of young celebrities that are on a path of self destruction. With drunken driving and drug overdose it really seems that all these troubled teens need some serious addiction treatment. Without some help I fear for these kids.

You would think with all their money, fame and success they could find some level of happiness. Instead they only seem to find world of sorrow and pain. I fear if someone like Britney Spears or Lindsey Lohan will one day be found dead from an overdose or a die from drunk driving. I picture Britney as the next Anna Nichole Smith.

I pray that Britney and many of these other troubled souls find addiction Treatment before it is two late. I fear if they don't we will wake up to our morning cup of coffee and local news only to discover that Britney Spears was found dead in her home. I was happy to see that Lindsey Lohan did get some addiction Treatment but Britney still really hasn't done it yet. Please Britney get some real help and get some addiction Treatment today. Please Britney before it is to late.

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