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Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Doctor Please Go Away

It was a slow today at work. To think about it, it should be a busy day because yesterday was holiday for some of the facilities. But it was not the case. A lot people are sick, hoping I have a strong immune system. Working in a place with a lot of people a tendency is sharing each others germs. Especially our cubicles are too close to each other. If one is sick, everybody will get sick. I think there is a virus that going around. People are throwing up accompanied with a high fever. Some are coughing that causing to lose their voice. Our workplace right now sounds like we are in a hospital.

I just wish everybody will be get better. Changing weather is not a help either. Massachusetts climates are change all the time. They have joked that if you are not happy with the weather wait for 5 minutes it will change. For couple days now the weather is nice but guesses what tomorrow might go to snow. Oh welcome to New England.

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