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Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Mother is Coming

Few more sleep to go my mom will be here. Yes finally the long waiting's come. She will arrive in Boston Logan airport on the 6th of November at 6:35 AM. I know till I see her ok I will be alright. I will be paranoid if she is ok, hope somebody will help her. She will be traveling by herself. They did put on her ticket that she needs a wheel chair assistance. Eventhough that she very well can walk but for safety reason we have to put her on a wheel chair in order somebody from the airport will assist her through her flight from one airport to another. I was not thinking doing this at first but a lot of people advice me to do this way.

I am like a mother hoping that my kid is alright to fly alone. Hopefully I did not made a wrong decision. So Help me God.

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Tuesday, October 14, 2008


Wow couple days from now it will be a month I am not updating this blog of mine. It has been so busy here my friend. I am still here. With my mother's interview at the embassy, training new people at work, my kid is now back to school all of this makes my day to days routine so busy. Lucky if I remember to relax. A lot of time I found myself so awake at the middle of the night. Been thinking too many things is not a help either.

Anyway just to let everyone now I am still here. I apologize to those who visited me here asking for exchange links but not responding to anyone of you. I will try to visit each one of you once I get a chance. Thank you for those who left me a message. I will visit you as well.

Hope you will understand why i am been so away from here.

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